Warm Feels like: 82°F Inside: 89.1°F |
High | Low | |
Today: | 82.4°F (1:49 pm) | 75.7°F (6:16 am) |
Yesterday: | 86.4°F (5:30 pm) | 74.7°F (11:32 am) |
Month: | 94.3°F (Aug 1) | 74.7°F (Aug 21) |
Year: | 96.1°F (Jul 4) | 43.9°F (Jan 21) |
Last year: | -1766.2°F (7:00 pm) | 1830.2°F (7:00 pm) |
Rain Today:0.08 in
Rain Rate/hr:0.00 in
Yesterday:0.61 in
This Month:4.24 in
Season Total:41.84 in
Wind from NNW
2.2 mph
1.0 Bft
2.2 mph
Gust today:
18.1 mph
at 9:18 am
Sun: 7:12 am 7:34 pm
Daylight hh:mm 12:21 ( -2 minutes)
Moon: 10:07 pm 10:03 am
Waning Gibbous, 88% Illuminated
Humidity: 78%
Dew Point: 74.8°F
Barometer: 30.00 inHg
Trend: Steady
Good | Moderate | Unhealthy-Sensitive Groups | Unhealthy | Very Unhealthy | Hazardous |
Wednesday Sep 11 2024 7:12 am 7:35 pm Daylength: 12:23 | ||||||
Period | Forecast | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | Humidity | |
8am - 11am | no clouds | 0° | 0.01 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 48% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the gusts up to 8 mph | 77 % | |
11am - 12pm | some clouds | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 48% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the South gusts up to 8 mph | 72 % | |
12pm - 1pm | some clouds isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 91° Feels like 105°F | Chance of precipitation 48% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the SSW gusts up to 9 mph | 68 % | |
1pm - 2pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 91° Feels like 107°F | 0.01 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 48% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the SW gusts up to 10 mph | 66 % | |
2pm - 3pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 48% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the WSW gusts up to 12 mph | 67 % | |
3pm - 4pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 48% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 12 mph | 73 % | |
4pm - 5pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 48% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 12 mph | 73 % | |
5pm - 6pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 86° Feels like 98°F | Chance of precipitation 48% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the West gusts up to 10 mph | 75 % | |
6pm - 7pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 86° Feels like 96°F | Chance of precipitation 48% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the West gusts up to 8 mph | 77 % | |
7pm - 8pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 84° Feels like 93°F | 0.28 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 24% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the WNW gusts up to 8 mph | 82 % | |
8pm - 9pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 82° Feels like 91°F | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the NW gusts up to 7 mph | 85 % | |
9pm - 10pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 82° Feels like 91°F | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the NNE gusts up to 7 mph | 84 % | |
10pm - 11pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 82° Feels like 89°F | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the East gusts up to 7 mph | 88 % | |
Thursday Sep 12 2024 7:12 am 7:34 pm Daylength: 12:22 | ||||||
Period | Forecast | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | Humidity | |
11pm - 12am | some clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the East gusts up to 7 mph | 91 % | |
12am - 1am | partly cloudy | 80° | Chance of precipitation 24% | 2 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 6 mph | 91 % | |
1am - 2am | partly cloudy | 80° | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 6 mph | 94 % | |
2am - 3am | partly cloudy | 80° | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 6 mph | 91 % | |
3am - 4am | partly cloudy | 80° | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 6 mph | 94 % | |
4am - 5am | partly cloudy | 80° | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 6 mph | 94 % | |
5am - 6am | partly cloudy | 80° | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 6 mph | 94 % | |
6am - 7am | partly cloudy | 80° | Chance of precipitation 24% | 3 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 6 mph | 91 % | |
7am - 8am | partly cloudy | 80° | 0.01 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 39% | 3 mph - Light air from the SE gusts up to 7 mph | 94 % | |
8am - 9am | partly cloudy | 84° Feels like 93°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 3 mph - Light air from the SE gusts up to 7 mph | 85 % | |
9am - 10am | partly cloudy | 86° Feels like 98°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the South gusts up to 7 mph | 82 % | |
10am - 11am | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the South gusts up to 7 mph | 72 % | |
11am - 12pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 104°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the SSW gusts up to 8 mph | 70 % | |
12pm - 1pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 91° Feels like 105°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the SW gusts up to 9 mph | 68 % | |
1pm - 2pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 91° Feels like 105°F | 0.01 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 39% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the WSW gusts up to 10 mph | 68 % | |
2pm - 3pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the WSW gusts up to 10 mph | 73 % | |
3pm - 4pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 12 mph | 73 % | |
4pm - 5pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 10 mph | 72 % | |
5pm - 6pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 86° Feels like 99°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the WNW gusts up to 9 mph | 78 % | |
6pm - 7pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 86° Feels like 97°F | Chance of precipitation 39% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the NW gusts up to 8 mph | 79 % | |
7pm - 8pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 84° Feels like 95°F | 0.01 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 17% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the NNW gusts up to 8 mph | 83 % | |
8pm - 9pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 84° Feels like 93°F | Chance of precipitation 17% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the North gusts up to 7 mph | 85 % | |
9pm - 10pm | partly cloudy | 84° Feels like 93°F | Chance of precipitation 17% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the NE gusts up to 7 mph | 85 % | |
10pm - 11pm | some clouds | 82° Feels like 91°F | Chance of precipitation 17% | 3 mph - Light air from the ENE gusts up to 6 mph | 88 % | |
Friday Sep 13 2024 7:13 am 7:33 pm Daylength: 12:20 | ||||||
Period | Forecast | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | Humidity | |
11pm - 12am | some clouds | 82° Feels like 89°F | Chance of precipitation 17% | 3 mph - Light air from the East gusts up to 6 mph | 91 % | |
12am - 1am | some clouds | 82° Feels like 89°F | Chance of precipitation 17% | 3 mph - Light air from the East gusts up to 6 mph | 91 % | |
1am - 2am | some clouds | 82° Feels like 89°F | Chance of precipitation 17% | 3 mph - Light air from the East gusts up to 6 mph | 87 % | |
2am - 3am | some clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 17% | 2 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 6 mph | 94 % | |
3am - 4am | no clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 17% | 2 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 5 mph | 94 % | |
4am - 5am | no clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 17% | 1 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 5 mph | 91 % | |
5am - 6am | no clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 17% | 2 mph - Light air from the ESE gusts up to 5 mph | 93 % | |
6am - 7am | no clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 17% | 2 mph - Light air from the East gusts up to 5 mph | 94 % | |
7am - 8am | no clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 47% | 2 mph - Light air from the East gusts up to 5 mph | 93 % | |
8am - 9am | no clouds | 84° Feels like 94°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 2 mph - Light air from the SE gusts up to 6 mph | 88 % | |
9am - 10am | no clouds | 86° Feels like 100°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 3 mph - Light air from the SSW gusts up to 6 mph | 79 % | |
10am - 11am | some clouds | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 3 mph - Light air from the WSW gusts up to 7 mph | 73 % | |
11am - 12pm | some clouds | 89° Feels like 104°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the WSW gusts up to 8 mph | 70 % | |
12pm - 1pm | some clouds | 91° Feels like 105°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the West gusts up to 9 mph | 68 % | |
1pm - 2pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 91° Feels like 105°F | 0.02 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 47% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 12 mph | 64 % | |
2pm - 3pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 91° Feels like 104°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 13 mph | 66 % | |
3pm - 4pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 9 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 13 mph | 67 % | |
4pm - 5pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 101°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 9 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 13 mph | 70 % | |
5pm - 6pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 87° Feels like 99°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the WNW gusts up to 12 mph | 73 % | |
6pm - 7pm | partly cloudy scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 86° Feels like 96°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 8 mph - Gentle breeze from the NW gusts up to 10 mph | 77 % | |
7pm - 8pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 84° Feels like 93°F | 0.01 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 20% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the NW gusts up to 9 mph | 82 % | |
8pm - 9pm | some clouds isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 84° Feels like 93°F | Chance of precipitation 20% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the NW gusts up to 8 mph | 82 % | |
9pm - 10pm | some clouds isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 82° Feels like 91°F | Chance of precipitation 20% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the North gusts up to 7 mph | 85 % | |
10pm - 11pm | some clouds isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 82° Feels like 91°F | Chance of precipitation 20% | 3 mph - Light air from the North gusts up to 6 mph | 85 % | |
Saturday Sep 14 2024 7:13 am 7:32 pm Daylength: 12:19 | ||||||
Period | Forecast | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | Humidity | |
11pm - 2am | some clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 20% | 2 mph - Light air from the NE gusts up to 6 mph | 90 % | |
2am - 5am | some clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 20% | 2 mph - Light air from the NNE gusts up to 5 mph | 94 % | |
5am - 8am | some clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 47% | 2 mph - Light air from the NNE gusts up to 5 mph | 93 % | |
8am - 11am | no clouds | 89° Feels like 104°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the WNW gusts up to 8 mph | 75 % | |
11am - 2pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 91° Feels like 105°F | 0.05 in for next 6 hours Chance of precipitation 47% | 9 mph - Gentle breeze from the West gusts up to 13 mph | 64 % | |
2pm - 5pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 101°F | Chance of precipitation 47% | 10 mph - Gentle breeze from the WNW gusts up to 14 mph | 71 % | |
5pm - 8pm | no clouds | 82° Feels like 90°F | Chance of precipitation 13% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the NW gusts up to 9 mph | 82 % | |
Sunday Sep 15 2024 7:14 am 7:31 pm Daylength: 12:17 | ||||||
Period | Forecast | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | Humidity | |
8pm - 2am | no clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 13% | 2 mph - Light air from the North gusts up to 6 mph | 88 % | |
2am - 8am | some clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 32% | 3 mph - Light air from the North gusts up to 7 mph | 93 % | |
8am - 2pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 91° Feels like 102°F | Chance of precipitation 32% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the West gusts up to 10 mph | 64 % | |
2pm - 8pm | partly cloudy | 82° Feels like 87°F | Chance of precipitation 12% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the WNW gusts up to 9 mph | 82 % | |
Monday Sep 16 2024 7:14 am 7:30 pm Daylength: 12:16 | ||||||
Period | Forecast | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | Humidity | |
8pm - 2am | some clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 12% | 3 mph - Light air from the NNW gusts up to 7 mph | 88 % | |
2am - 8am | some clouds | 80° | Chance of precipitation 31% | 3 mph - Light air from the NNE gusts up to 7 mph | 87 % | |
8am - 2pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 100°F | Chance of precipitation 31% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the West gusts up to 10 mph | 63 % | |
2pm - 8pm | partly cloudy isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 82° Feels like 89°F | Chance of precipitation 19% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the WNW gusts up to 10 mph | 77 % | |
Tuesday Sep 17 2024 7:14 am 7:28 pm Daylength: 12:14 | ||||||
Period | Forecast | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | Humidity | |
8pm - 2am | some clouds | 78° | Chance of precipitation 19% | 3 mph - Light air from the NNE gusts up to 7 mph | 88 % | |
2am - 8am | no clouds | 78° | Chance of precipitation 37% | 5 mph - Light breeze from the ENE gusts up to 7 mph | 88 % | |
8am - 2pm | some clouds scattered thunderstorms scattered moderate rain showers | 89° Feels like 100°F | Chance of precipitation 37% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the West gusts up to 10 mph | 64 % | |
2pm - 8pm | some clouds isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 82° Feels like 89°F | Chance of precipitation 17% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the West gusts up to 10 mph | 79 % | |
Wednesday Sep 18 2024 7:15 am 7:27 pm Daylength: 12:12 | ||||||
Period | Forecast | Temperature | Precipitation | Wind | Humidity | |
8pm - 2am | some clouds | 78° | Chance of precipitation 17% | 2 mph - Light air from the NNE gusts up to 6 mph | 90 % | |
2am - 8am | no clouds | 77° | Chance of precipitation 37% | 3 mph - Light air from the NE gusts up to 6 mph | 91 % | |
8am - 2pm | some clouds scattered moderate rain showers isolated thunderstorms | 89° Feels like 99°F | Chance of precipitation 37% | 7 mph - Light breeze from the West gusts up to 10 mph | 62 % | |
2pm - 8pm | some clouds isolated thunderstorms isolated moderate rain showers | 82° Feels like 89°F | Chance of precipitation 37% | 6 mph - Light breeze from the WNW gusts up to 9 mph | 77 % |